Happy 50th Fred’s Records!
8×10 Risograph print
50 Years is a big deal! Local businesses rarely last 5, only those with absolute resolve, passion and grit have a chance to come anywhere close to 50. All this year I’ve been watching Fred’s Records celebrate their massive milestone and I’ve been wanting to do something to commemorate how special this place has been. Over the last couple days I started drawing.
The staff at Freds (past and present) have played a huge role in why we love the place, so I thought it would be fun to include some in the illustration (It was impossible to fit everyone in and I apologize to all you amazing staff that I didn’t include, but I did manage to get a few in from different generations). Who do you recognize?
Where would St. John’s be without Fred’s Records? Congrats on the massive milestone! It was just over a year ago that the world lost Fred, but I’m sure he’s extremely proud of the love and care Jim, Tony, and their crew continue to put in every day keeping the best little record store going strong. Happy 50th Birthday Fred’s!!!
Illustrated by Jud Haynes. 8 x 10 Risograph prints on 100lb smooth Cougar art paper. Printed by Hazel Eckert at Nothing New Projects Riso studio.