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Pitcher Plant Hankie100% Cotton

1 15″x15″ 100% cotton handkerchief per package.

Reduce waste and look stylin' with this 100% cotton eco-friendly handkerchief, designed by Rehearsals Rehearsals' Krista Power, a St. John's based surface designer (follow her surface pattern work on Instagram at

Versatile hankerchief uses include pocket square, washable napkin, baby bib, wrist bracelet, gift wrapping/furoshiki, puppy scarf…

Newfoundland adopted the Pitcher Plant as its provincial flower emblem in 1954. These plants with their wine and green flowers, are found on bogs and marshes around Newfoundland. They're beautiful and make for an amazing surface pattern.


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These are also for sale at Twisted Sisters Boutik in downtown St. John’s, save yourself the shipping fees and grab one in person at Twisted Sisters if you are a local.